Wednesday, October 14, 2015

7 Ways to Avoid Purgatory

Purgatory according to the teaching of the Church

Purgatory Ilustration

7 Ways to Avoid Purgatory

When we are young and healthy we have not been a lot of attention to the life after death. Thoughts of Heaven, Hell, Purgatory has not dominate our minds. But when people have retired, started sickly, or power already started sluggish then they give serious attention to his fate after death. Thoughts of Paradise or Purgatory will color their days.

Problems started to come when we
dealing with the facts in everyday life, not the death of the young or the old point of view, it could happen anytime, healthy or sick, male or female. Quote Scripture can awaken us: "What good is a gain the whole world but loses his life? And if a man give in exchange for his life? (Matthew 16:26). Therefore, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you also" (Luke 12:31).

     According to the teachings of the Church, there are two kinds of punishment in Purgatory. First, the punishment because "the feeling of losing the Lord". While the second sentence because it "regrets inner unending". God's punishment because of the loss caused by the loss of a chance encounter with God, the Source of all goodness, Goals and End of human life. While the penalty for inner remorse unremitting involves suffering that can be felt as well as the physical punishment that we can feel.

     Each person received a sentence comparable to acts committed by a person for life. Each person should be accountable for his sin before God. Torment lived in Purgatory can not be compared with the most excruciating suffering in this world. It was described by St. Thomas Aquinas with the sentence: the lightest punishment in the Fire Punyucian weighing surpassed all the suffering in this world. In line with that of Thomas A Kempis said: One hour of torture is more terrible than a hundred years of running hard penance that we do in this world. That's because, being tortured is a "soul", not just "physical".

     Presumably a terrible thing that terhadi in Purgatory it is useful for us to improve our quality of life better in this world, but we also must not live by fear alone. Because the results of all sanctification is eternal peace and happiness, so that we are reunited (returned) to Allah, Owner of our lives. If the door of Heaven and Purgatory doors opened, the people who died would soon choose the door of Purgatory of them before the Lord with the stain of sin because they see themselves inappropriate. Their proximity to purify themselves by their own free will and with love, because the fire that purifies them is the fire of love that comes from God alone.

Some testimony:

Santa Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510).

     The souls will experience the misery that is so terrible that no tongue can describe it, or is difficult to be understood at all before the Lord opened His secrets with special grace.

Pastor Nieremberg (died 1658).

     On the feast of All Saints, a girl who is holy seeing visions in front of his eyes, a woman he knew, who had died some time earlier. The female figure dressed in white with a veil on her head, holding a rosary. Women who had died while still find life once promised 3 times to celebrate Mass at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary. But he did not do so in life, so that the debt was added to his sentence. Now he asks for help her to offer three times the Mass for him. The girl was willing. When Holy Mass has been celebrated the third menampalkan spirits it away again, expressed joy and gratitude. The female soul was always reveal themselves in front of the Blessed Sacrament, melakuakan Praise and Worship. The continuous spirits reveal themselves until the time comes for him ascend to heaven escorted by a guardian angel. Awrah was declared that she was not suffering anymore on the sentence "God's sense of loss," but he added that the loss of God that caused him to suffer unbearable misery.

The testimony of a boy of 11 years, Blasio Massei

     On one occasion a 11-year boy named Blasio Massei menginggal world. His parents then devoted to St. Bernard of Siena newly appointed saint by the Catholic Church. Parents Blassio dedicate his life through this saint. When the body was taken to the grave Blasio, Blasio got up as if exhausted sleep nyenayak and said that St. Bernard has made revived, that tells the miracle that had been ordered saint.
     Blassio told when he died, St. Bernard reveal themselves to him. Santo was guiding her hand and said: Do not be afraid, but pay attention to what I command you, then you have to remember it and after that it can tell you. "They visited Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. In hell, Blassio see horrors unspeakable and various kinds of torture given to those who are arrogant, greedy, evil and other sinners.
     In purgatory, he saw the most frightening ordeal, there are different kinds of penalties according to the sin committed. He saw no spirits begged him to notify his relatives, they missed her plea and good deeds they do.
     In heaven, he was enchanted. He saw a lot of numbers of angels surround the throne of God and the Holy Virgin Mary.

7 Ways to Avoid Purgatory
  1.         True believers in God and mercy
  2.         Eliminate the cause that is Sin
  3.         Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
  4.         Make reparation to charity
  5.         Willing to suffer
  6.         Receive the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Petroleum sick
  7.         Accept death with resignation.

By P. Josep Susanto Pr.
Source of


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