Sunday, December 13, 2015

Devotional Matthew 17: 10-13

Devotional Matthew 17: 10-13

Ordinary Day Week II Advent

GOSPEL: Matthew 17: 10-13

Then his disciples asked him, "If so, why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?" Jesus replied, "Elijah does indeed come and restore all things and I tell you that Elijah has already come, but people do not to know him, and treat it according to their will. So the Son of Man will suffer at their hands. "At that time the disciples understood that he was speaking about John the Baptist.


Advent reminds us that God has promised to restore everything that is lost due to sin and make things new again. The prophets were sent to draw people back to God and to the path of His holiness, His justice. Elijah is one of the Old Testament prophets greatest. John the Baptist came with "the spirit of Elijah", he ignited the hearts of people with an enthusiasm for holy living.

John the Baptist preach repentance and prepare Israel to welcome the arrival of the Messiah, even if it means talking against King Herod Antipas and puts his own life in a risky situation. As well as Elijah, John the Baptist is best known for courage and excitement in a way to follow the Lord.

Every baptized Christians are called to take part in the prophetic mission of Jesus. Through the gifts and works of the Holy Spirit, we can be the ones who will restore the holiness Alah and His justice in the world. We may not be called as Elijah and John the Baptist. But be aware that he is a role for us in our daily lives. In the family, at work, or anywhere else, we can be a light in the darkness, to bring people to Jesus and testifying to the gospel through words that we speak, attitudes and our actions.

God is always ready to change and fill us with love and compassion of His. At the time of Advent, let us continue to draw us closer to Him, asking Him to teach us how to be prophetic voices to our world.


"Come Holy Spirit, and my heart burn with the fire of love of Christ, so that I can participate consecrate the world to God and to proclaim the Gospel to all those who wish to hear it. Amen

John the Baptist
John the Baptist

Devotional Gospel Matthew 11:11-15
Devotional Gospel Luke 14:1-6
Gospel of Mark 7:31-37